How To Earn Money In Share Market

If you are stuck in a 9-to-5 job then you will not get sufficient time to explore any other activity to generate additional income. Your wealth would be limited to what you can save from your salary. If you want to make money every day, you should indulge in intraday trading . In intraday trading, you buy and sell stocks within a day. Stocks are purchased not as a form of investment, but as a way of making a profit by harnessing the fluctuations of the stock prices. Making money from share markets requires just a few things Initial investment (can be as little as Rs. 10,000) An internet connection A trading account The right investment knowledge. Take small profits and do multiple trades Scalping is a day trading technique where an investor buys and sells an individual stock multiple times throughout the same day. The goal of a scalper is not to make an enormous profit with each individual trade they make, but rather to make a small profit over many little trades. Trade stoc...